Domain Portfolio Manager
Domain Portfolio Manager offers a neat and convienient way for domain name owners to list their domains. A small list of it's features are below. Ability to list your domains along with a category, registrar, expiry, price, and a status. Ability to sort domain list by domain, category, registrar, expiry, price, or status. A quick and convienient contact form is provided for anyone interested in a domain. A general contact form, if someone wishes to contact you for any reason other than a domain name. reCaptcha to help deter spam, and bot emails. Secure admin area to add, edit, delete, set site options, and backup/restore the database. Unlimited categories, with support for multiple categories per domain. Each domain has it's own details page. Ability to add domains in bulk. Ability to search domains. Nice clean template (two to choose from). Quick and easy installation. MySQL & MySQLi support. Built-in Adsense support. Privacy policy (with Adsense terms included) RSS feeds for latest added domains and for categories. Paypal payment/buy now integration using Paypal's IPN. ...and many more!
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